Chitravanshm Society


UPDESCO (UP Development Systems Corporation Ltd.), a Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, was established to promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Uttar Pradesh.

UPDESCO provides various services like technical consultancy, project management, and training to SMEs in Uttar Pradesh.

What We Offer

Chitravansham Society has been working with UPDESCO for the past few years to promote the growth of SMEs in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh.

Our organization identifies potential entrepreneurs in rural areas and works with UPDESCO to provide them with training and skill development programs.

These programs are designed to help entrepreneurs acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to start and grow their businesses.

The Chitravansham Society also works with UPDESCO to provide entrepreneurs with access to finance.

We help identify potential funding sources for SMEs in rural areas. We also help entrepreneurs in rural areas prepare their business plans and proposals to attract funding from various sources.

The partnership between the Chitravansham Society and UPDESCO has been very successful in promoting the growth of SMEs in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh.

The two organizations have been working closely to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary support and guidance to start and grow their businesses.

Through the joint efforts of UPDESCO and CHSOC, many entrepreneurs in rural areas have been able to start successful businesses and contribute to the growth of the local economy.